Suspect in killing of Ukrainian man at German refugee centre detained

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2024-08-13 16:07:37

Man detained by armed police and knife seized after Southport stabbings

Eight have been taken to hospitals including Alder Hey declares a "major incident".
2024-07-29 16:08:10

Nine suspects from far-right neo-Nazi group detained in Germany

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2024-07-18 19:08:55

Nine suspects from far-right group detained in Germany

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2024-07-18 17:09:38

Man arrested after human remains found in suitcase

The 24-year-old was detained by armed officers in Bristol in the early hours of Saturday.
2024-07-13 11:08:12

Teenager detained for life for murdering boy, 15

Bardia Shojaeifard, 15, is detained for life with a minimum term of 13 years for killing Alfie Lewis.
2024-06-21 17:07:51

Rapper Travis Scott arrested in Miami

The rapper is detained under his real name, Jacques Bermon Webster, according to custody records.
2024-06-20 15:09:42

Dozens of Rwanda detainees released on bail

Lawyers say 79 asylum seekers who were detained to be sent to Rwanda have now been released on bail.
2024-06-12 19:08:16

'Locked up far from my family': The teens in care detained by law

Young people who were detained under Deprivation of Liberty orders speak about their experiences.
2024-05-22 07:08:37

Ex-Russian army commander detained over fraud charge

Post Content
2024-05-22 04:06:35

Top golfer Scheffler detained by police hours before second day of US PGA

World number one Scottie Scheffler is detained by police outside Valhalla, host of this week's US PGA Championship.
2024-05-17 16:08:16

Slovak PM Robert Fico fights for life after assassination attempt

Robert Fico was attacked outside a cultural centre in the town of Handlova, and a suspect was detained.
2024-05-15 23:06:34

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2024-05-14 14:08:21

Man detained for attempting to enter Drake's home

It was the second incident to occur at Drake's Toronto home in just as many days.
2024-05-09 15:09:03

Farmer held over burglary shooting death

The man is being detained on suspicion of murder following the shooting, the BBC understands.
2024-05-02 13:08:49

Government denies losing track of likely deportees

Some asylum seekers earmarked for Rwanda could abscond before they are detained, the Home Office admits.
2024-04-30 06:07:23

German customs allows detained cargo ship to depart Baltic Sea port

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2024-04-19 20:08:29

Employee of German EU lawmaker detained as suspected China spy

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2024-04-23 11:09:36

Employee of German EU lawmaker detained as suspected China spy

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2024-04-23 12:08:59

UK launches ad campaign to deter Albanians

The adverts will say people 'face being detained and removed' if they come to the UK by small boat.
2023-05-28 14:12:12

American journalist detained and charged in Russia

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2023-10-19 15:09:30

Cruise ship detained at Spanish port over visa row allowed to leave

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2024-04-04 16:11:14

Ukraine war: Russia executed 77 civilians detained by its forces, UN says

The UN says more than 800 people have been arbitrarily detained, with evidence of widespread torture.
2023-06-27 16:16:35

Evan Gershkovich: US ambassador in Russia meets with jailed reporter

It is only the second time detained journalist Evan Gershkovich has met with a US representative.
2023-07-04 07:12:33

Investigation over truck crash near White House

Officials say the driver, who was detained, may have collided with security barriers deliberately.
2023-05-23 11:15:55

Tsingtao beer worker urinated into tank after argument

The worker has been detained after a video of the incident went viral last month.
2023-11-02 15:08:43

French senator Joël Guerriau questioned on suspicion of drugging MP

Joël Guerriau was detained after the MP complained of feeling unwell after a drink.
2023-11-17 21:07:42

Gaza medics tell BBC that Israeli troops beat and humiliated them

Doctors at Nasser hospital say they were blindfolded, detained, and forced to strip by Israeli soldiers.
2024-03-12 07:09:56

Iran morality police arrest dead protester's sister, family says

Aida Shakarami was detained for allegedly violating the compulsory hijab laws, her mother says.
2024-04-18 23:06:43

Zimbabwe election: Poll monitors arrested amid election

Police confirm 41 people have been detained for allegedly trying to disrupt the voting process.
2023-08-25 02:50:11

Indonesia anti-corruption chief Firli Bahuri suspected of extortion

Firli Bahuri, head of the Corruption Eradication Commission, has not been detained and denies he's corrupt.
2023-11-23 14:08:06

Wrestlers' protest: Delhi police file rioting case after detention

The athletes, including Olympic medallists, were detained by police as they tried to march to parliament.
2023-05-29 07:11:30

Malaysia detains Chinese ship suspected of looting British WW2 wrecks

Malaysia says it has detained a Chinese vessel suspected of raiding two British maritime war graves.
2023-05-30 09:10:45

Tiananmen Square: Hong Kong police make arrests on anniversary of massacre

Pro-democracy activists have been detained in a crackdown on marking the 1989 massacre in Beijing.
2023-06-04 14:09:49

US and UN concerned for ousted Niger president Mohamed Bazoum's health

Deposed president Mohamed Bazoum's party also claims he is being detained under "cruel" conditions.
2023-08-10 19:00:32

Nigeria Labour Congress leader Joe Ajaero detained and assaulted - union

Police inflicted "big blows to the head" of Joe Ajaero and detained him, trade union officials say.
2023-11-02 17:10:47

Cheng Lei: Journalist held in China says she misses sunshine

Cheng Lei, detained since 2020, dictated a message to fellow Australians to diplomats visiting her.
2023-08-10 18:56:51

Child hanging from government truck sparks outrage in the Dominican Republic

Shocking footage of a young child hanging from the arms of a detained woman through the barred door of a truck in the Dominican Republic has generated outrage in the country.
2023-06-06 09:07:36

Two Israelis arrested after Palestinian man killed in West Bank

Two Israelis have been arrested for questioning and five others detained following the reported killing of a Palestinian man in the West Bank, Israel Police said in a statement Saturday.
2023-08-06 09:14:30

Hamas spokesman reportedly among scores arrested in occupied West Bank

A Hamas spokesman is reportedly among more than 60 members of the militant organization that Israel arrested in overnight raids across the West Bank, the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory that is increasingly feeling the impact of the fighting in Gaza.
2023-10-19 17:07:19

Ismét szétverték a világ legeladósodottabb ingatlanfejlesztőinek részvényeit

Az Evergrande Group részvényei 25 százalékos mínuszban is voltak a kereskedés egy pontján a hongkongi tőzsdén, miután a hatóságok őrizetbe vették a vállalat vagyonkezelési részlegének néhány alkalmazottját, ez pedig akár tovább is súlyosbíthatja a cég problémáit - írja a Reuters.
2023-09-18 18:43:37

Drónesőt zúdítottak Oroszországra az ukránok - Repülőtereket kellett lezárni a támadások miatt

Az orosz védelmi minisztérium jelentése szerint egy éjszaka alatt összesen 35 ukrán drónt lőttek le - írta meg a Sky News.
2024-03-17 10:06:57

Amanda Bynest ön- és közveszélyesnek nyilvánították, pszichiátriai megfigyelés alá került

Lapunk is megírta, hogy Amanda Bynest a hétvégén rendőrök vették őrizetbe, miután szombat reggel bejelentést kaptak egy ?bajba jutott nőről?. A lap szerint három járőrkocsi érkezett meg a helyszínre, a színésznő pedig nyugodtan viselte, ahogyan megbilincselik. A rendőrök az őrsre vitték, ahol egy hivatásos orvosi egység már készenlétben állt, hogy megvizsgálják és megállapítsák, szüksége van-e további kezelésre. A TMZ hozta le a sztori folytatását: a lap szerint a szakemberek úgy ítélték meg, hogy az egykori gyereksztár veszélyt jelent önmagára és másokra is, ezért ismét beutalták a pszichiátr...
2023-06-20 07:08:56

Őrizetbe vették Greta Thunberget Londonban

Őrizetbe vette kedden a rendőrség Londonban az ismert klímaaktivistát, Greta Thunberget ? jelentette a Reuters hírügynökség. Erre a szemtanúk szerint azután került sor, hogy a városközpontban egy olaj- és gázipari vállalatok elleni tüntetésen felszólalt. Nem ez az első eset azonban az idén: az aktivistát 2023-ban már Svédországban, Norvégiában és Németországban is őrizetbe vette a rendőrség, illetve eltávolították tüntetésekről is. A londoni rendőrség Thunberg őrizetbe vételének körülményeiről egyelőre nem adott tájékoztatást a hírügynökségnek. A Greenpeace tájékoztatása szerint két aktivistáj...
2023-10-17 16:08:22

Son Jun-ho: South Korean footballer detained in China in bribery probe

Son Jun-ho was taken at a Shanghai airport as he tried to leave the country, South Korean media say.
2023-05-16 11:14:16

Prominent Egyptian rights activist briefly detained in Lebanon

Post Content
2023-05-24 22:10:21

Indian Olympic wrestlers detained as latest protest escalates

Delhi police are being criticised for the way they shut down a march to the new parliament building.
2023-05-28 18:11:27

Michael Travis Leake, US musician, detained in Russia

Michael Travis Leake has been accused of selling drugs to young people, AFP reports.
2023-06-11 20:09:53

Russian hardline Putin critic and commander Strelkov detained

He played a key role in Russia's landgrab in 2014 and has bitterly criticised the flagging campaign.
2023-07-21 17:51:50


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